原模具厂小区焕然一新 |
添加时间:2018/1/25 15:16:23 浏览次数: |
原模具厂宿舍属无人管理小区,建于上世纪80年代初,现有居民126户,400多人。由于小区无基础设施维修金,没有成立业主委员会也无物业公司管理,小区脏乱了好些年。 The dormitory of the original mold factory belongs to the unmanaged community. It was built in the early 80s of the last century. There are 126 households and more than 400 people. As the district has no infrastructure maintenance, there is no owner committee and no property company management, the community has been messy for years. “以前,我们这里的化粪池经常堵。”刘师傅说,路上的井盖几乎没有一个是完好的,只要一堵,粪水就从化粪池里溢出来,大家不得不踮脚、捂鼻路过。此外,因为紧靠新华西路,附近有几个餐饮店,又没有停车黄线,不少人就直接把车停进来,经常堵住出口。 "We used to clog up the septic tanks here." Master Liu said, the road covers almost no one is perfect, as long as a wall, manure will Conghua cesspool overflow, we had to tiptoe, passing over the nose. In addition, because of the Xinhua West Road, there are several restaurants nearby, and no parking yellow line, a lot of people have stopped the car directly, often blocking the export. 刘师傅指着1栋前的绿化带称,居民还会在这里随意种菜、养鸡,导致环境变得又脏又乱。 Master Liu, pointing to the 1 front green belts, said that the residents would also be here to grow vegetables and raise chickens, causing the environment to become dirty and messy. 路面翻新、增加植被,小区焕然一新 The road is refurbished, the vegetation is added, and the community is completely new 通过居民反映,社区摸底、向区政府申请,政府将小区列入老旧小区改造之列,花费近百万,经过近4个月的改造,最终在中秋前夕全部交付使用。 According to the residents' reflection, the community is going to apply to the district government. The government put the residential area in the old residential area transformation, which cost nearly a million. After nearly 4 months' transformation, it will finally be delivered on the eve of the Mid Autumn Festival. |
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