一个化粪池底下:竟埋着一位开国皇帝 |
添加时间:2018/1/23 14:56:05 浏览次数: |
说起各朝各代皇帝的陵墓,那可都是气势恢宏,从皇陵的选址到修建都是精心规划过的,而曾经有一位帝王,陵墓不仅搬迁过三次,甚至还埋在过一个普通的化粪池之下。 Speaking of various dynasties emperor's tomb, it is magnificent, built from the imperial tombs of the site are carefully planned, and there was an imperial mausoleum, not only had moved three times, even buried in over under a common septic tank. 而这位升天后墓地经历坎坷的皇帝便是金朝的开国皇帝——完颜阿骨打。作为一个灭亡辽朝,统一北方的开国皇帝,完颜阿骨打在军事和政治领域都有很高的造诣。只可惜在1123年的时候,完颜阿骨打在征战后返回上京路上病死,年仅五十六岁。 The experienced emperor ascended to Heaven Cemetery is the founder of the Jin Dynasty emperor wanyanaguda. As a demise of Liao Dynasty, unified the North emperor wanyanaguda in military and political fields have a very high attainments. But in 1123, wanyanaguda returned to Beijing in the campaign on death, only fifty-six years old. 在完颜阿骨打去世后,尸体被运回了上京,那时候金朝的首都是在上京的,也就是现如今的黑龙江阿城区白城镇,而他的陵墓,则选在了哈龙江哈尔滨,作为一国之君,阿骨打的陵墓占地面积十分大,整整5.1公顷,并且偌大的陵墓中也有很多建筑就像是一个地下宫殿。 In wanyanaguda died, the body was returned to Beijing, when the capital is in Beijing, which is now the white town of Heilongjiang District of A Cheng, and his tomb, Longjiang Harbin election in Kazakhstan, as a king, a dozen bone tomb covers an area of ten large, full 5.1 hectares, and the huge tomb also has a lot of building is like an underground palace. |
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